Tsue to Tsurugi no Wistoria Wiki

The Magia Vander (至高の五杖(マギア・ヴェンデ) Magia Vende lit. "The Five Supreme Wands") are the five strongest mages.


The Magia Vander were first formed long ago back when the people were terrorized by the Heavenly Invaders (天上の侵略者). By the command of their progenitor, The Mage Queen Mercedes, Five mages rose up, repelled the invaders, and created the barrier that is still maintained by Magia Vander in the current time.

At the end of every year, the Magia Vander must commence in a ritual to put a new great barrier (Grand Spell Circle: Vandes Terminalia) up to prevent the fulfillment of the Legend. At the end of this ritual, all the members of the Magia Vander magic are significantly depleted.


The throne room of the Magia Vander is located at the top of the tower which they use in case they need to meet and discuss things. The five maintain the barrier that protects the people from the Heavenly Invaders, though Cariott remarks that the barrier is close to disappearing.

The Magia Vander each have an alias based on their magic and their emblems consist of their element and an animal/fairy. The aliases are Incindia Barham (炎帝の杖(インスティア・バルハム)/Cariott Incindia Wiseman), Albis Vina (氷姫の杖(アルヴィス・ヴィーナ)/Elfaria Albis Serfort), Elleaf Canaan (妖聖の杖(エルリーフ・カナン)/Ellenor Ljos Alf), Thorzeus Fasce (雷公の杖(トルゼウス・ファッジ)/Zeo Thorzeus Reinbolt), and Masterias Noah (光皇の杖(マステリアス・ノア)/Aaron Masterias Oldking).

Each of the Magia Vander have their personal room and rooms for their faction. It is unknown if personal rooms are similar but Elfaria's personal room is vast and only contains a large bed, a circular table, and a chair.

As of chapter 4, four out of the five have been shown with the fifth absent from the meeting. Of those four, Cariott and Ellenor refused to consider Will being inducted into the tower due to him being unable to use magic, while Zeo found it interesting and would consider it as long as he was useful, stating that those who were useful would claw their way up on their own. Not much is known about Masterias Noah other than the fact that Cariott refers to him as "our king" and that according to Logwell he is still in the middle of an expedition.

Composition of the Organization[]

The organization consists of Watchers and 8 factions, from which 5 supreme mages are elected with the title of Grand Mage.

The eight factions are Elves and Mages with a focus on one of the 7 elements: light, earth, ice/water, lightning, fire, wind, and darkness. The candidate for the Magia Vander seat is called the ascendant. The elven faction uses their magic based on materialization.

In addition, each of the Magia Vander compete with each other to obtain prospective students, especially during the Great Magic Festival where scouts search for prospective golden eggs.

At different times, the Wind faction, Solphis Neamhain, and Earth faction, Grantina L'Abysse were also part of the 5, but at the moment, together with the Darkness faction, they are dissatisfied with their position and seek to occupy one of the five places of Magia Vander.

The Magia Vander have command over a group known as the Watchers (発掘機関(ウォッチャー)) who attend Regarden Magical Academy in disguise to search for useful people to induct into the tower, with their existence considered a myth by students of the academy.

Aaron's group[]

Aaron's group includes so few candidates that it can hardly be called a light faction. Mages of light are unique and guarded with special care, because their main duty is to maintain the barrier. Therefore, the first priority in Magia Vander is the protection of the mages of light. They are also known as Aaron's elite.

Candidate/Magia Vander Selection (ch. 47)[]


Power of the Magia Vander[]

The Magia Vander are the five strongest mages. One Grand Mage was capable of exterminating an army of 10,000 dwarves. It is for power that they choose Magia Vander. Elfaria can create many ice clones and has the best energy level. Zeo is an highly skilled and experienced mage who is a pro at close-range battles and holds the title of Lord of Lightning. These two demonstrated skills in addition to elemental magic: acceleration, creation, and summoning of xenos-like beings.


Name Race Faction Status
Cariott Incindia Wiseman Human Fire Active
Elfaria Albis Serfort Human Ice Active
Zeo Thorzeus Reinbolt Human Lightning Active
Ellenor Ljos Alf Elf Fairy Active
Aaron Masterias Oldking Unknown Light Active

