Tsue to Tsurugi no Wistoria Wiki
Tsue to Tsurugi no Wistoria Wiki

Monsters (モンスター) are creatures born from the Dungeon.


Monsters are fought by students of Regarden Magical Academy in order to gain practical training credits required for their graduation, though it is unknown if students of the Upper Academy fight them for the same purpose. To make sure that students don't get in over their heads fighting monsters they can't defeat, the 7th through 10th floors are kept off limits except for students with permission or those participating in comprehensive training, and the 11th floor on are limited to students of the Upper Academy. Different monsters are worth different credits based on their difficulty, such as an Evil Sentinel being worth 10 credits, and a monster that is worth more than 5 credits is known as a five over enemy (強敵区分(ファイブ・オーバー・エネミー)).

From time to time, the Upper Academy issues requests known as orders (勅令(オーダー)) with the requesters being known as clients (勅令主(クライアント)). These orders are usually to gather certain drop items and can even be from Magia Vander such as Elfaria Albis Serfort.

When monsters from a lower floor appear on a high floor, it is known as floor up (階層事故(フロア・アップ)). Each floor has a stronger monster known as a floor keeper (次回の番人(フロア・キーパー)) that is worth more credits than other monsters on the same floor but is far more dangerous. Unique species of monsters are known as notorious monsters (特異種(ノートリアスモンスター)). When a horde of enemies attack it is known as a stampede (大暴走(スタンピード)).


Name Image Description Floor Debut
Frost Walker (霜の歩兵(フロスト・ウォーカー)) Frost Walker A humanoid enemy made of 5 blocks of ice. They drop ice cores that can be used as catalysts for magic

Credits : ??

4 Chapter 3
Frost Rex (霜の王(フロスト・レックス)) Frost Rex Frost Rex are a stronger species of Frost Walkers. They are able to freeze enemies on contact, earning them the epithet of "Dwarf Killer", and require mages to kill them from afar using magic. They are weak to fire and bombing

Credits : ??

4 Chapter 3
Unnamed Penguin Monster Unnamed Penguin Monster A penguin monster with sharp teeth inside of its beak and sharp claws

Credits : ??

4 Chapter 3
Baskerville (バスカヴィル) A monster that Will hadn't killed yet as of chapter 1. He had fought it once before but Kiki was burned by its fire breath

Credits : 4

6 Chapter 1 (mentioned)
Evil Guard (イヴィル・ガード) Evil Guard A four legged monster with three horns, fangs, and a long tail.

Credits : 2

7 Chapter 1
Crimson Ant (クリムゾン・アント) Crimson Ant A (presumably) crimson colored ant like monster with four legs and two bladed arms

Credits : ??

7 Chapter 12
Evil Sentinel (イヴィル・センチネル) Evil Sentinel A large and muscular humanoid monster with two horns and fangs. Its lower half is covered in black hair and it has a long tail. It is incredibly dangerous, being able to easily defeat Zion's buddies and almost kill Zion himself before he became stronger.

Credits : 10

8 Chapter 1
Luminous Naberus (赫灼のナベルス) Brilliant Naberus A massive Cerberus like monster that is the floor keeper of the 10th Floor. It is common for students to die fighting the Naberus and it is considered to be the "boss" of the comprehensive training, though its power is unknown as it was killed before Will's party reached it

Credits : 110

10 Chapter 13
Deformis Serpent (デフォルミス・サーペント) Deformis Serpent A massive serpent monster.

Credits : 9

11 Chapter 14
Nightmare Eye (ナイトメア・アイ) Nightmare Eye A monster consisting of an eye and two wings.

Credits : 7

11 Chapter 14
Gergesa (ゲルゲサ) Gergesa A large humanoid boar enemy that attacks by opening its mouth and eating/swallowing its target. Due to it being blind, it has a developed sense of smell, causing it to be immune to illusions.

Credits : 8

11 Chapter 14
Balkar (バルカール) Valkal A humanoid monster made of flames that is considered to be one of the notorious monsters of the 11th floor. It is immune to physical attacks and is highly resistant to magic with Fantasy Magic being the only way to properly defeat them.

Credits : 11

11 Chapter 15

Grand Duke

Unknown Monster A massive demon looking monster that Headless left behind because its job had become tiresome

Credits : 270

25 Chapter 13


  • The Baskerville is a possible reference to the story The Hound of the Baskervilles.
  • Naberus is an alternate name of the demon Naberius and is associated with the Cerberus.
  • The name and appearance of the Gergesa is a reference to the site where the Miracle of the Swine took place in the New Testament.